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Keynote Presentations
All keynote presentations are customized to meet your organization's
needs and to fit your time frame. We can develop a keynote presentation
based on these areas or on most programs listed in our training
area. Please call us within the U.S. at 800-886-2MAX or send us an e-mail at
For a list of our most popular keynote presentations, please visit our
Top 10 Seminars and Keynote Presentations
- Creativity
Keynote Presentation: Get Back in the Box!
Upon reviewing the many books on creativity and innovation, we
have focused on a new approach with a keynote presentation: "GET
BACK IN THE BOX!" Come on! Everyone else has gotten out of the
box by thinking, moving, jumping, teaming, breaking, etc. Now everyone
is out of the box and thinking like everyone else that got out of the
box! To truly think differently than everyone else ... we must get back
in the box! This creativity keynote presentation explores the qualities
and practices necessary to really make breakthroughs in an era of rapidly
changing technology and expanding information. You'll will learn practical,
proven, effective techniques that will enable you to creatively "Get
Back in the Box."
- Creativity
Keynote Presentation: Tennis Shoes and Blue Jeans - Back-to-the-Basics
Approach to Creativity and Innovation
International keynote speaker Harry K. Jones sheds his traditional business
attire to grace your stage in "tennis shoes and blue jeans."
There's a method to his madness. His fundamental apparel is a visual
footnote to remind us that the latest creative trends in every field
are grounded in a back-to-the basics-elementary-this-is-not-rocket-science
approach to problem-solving, over-coming barriers, and dealing with
the growing challenges we face in today's competitive workplace.
Listen, learn, laugh and leave this creativity keynote inspired to make
a difference and eager to apply what you learn as you return to the
workplace with a Tennis Shoe & Blue Jean mind set.
- Customer
Service Keynote Presentation: Vigilante Consumers to Raving Fans
Consumers invest their precious dollars where they feel they
will receive the best return on their investment. The challenge to every
organization today is to transform consumers into fans ... customers
who will sing your praises to others and voluntarily urge them to purchase
your products and/or services. This customer service keynote provides
the necessary blueprint, safeguards, and guidelines for doing exactly
- Goal
Setting Keynote Presentation: On Your Mark, Get Set, Goal!
Today, we live in a microwave, throw-away, live-for-the-moment
society. Successful goal setting is the continual process of making
a goal and achieving it, and making still more goals and achieving them.
This goal setting keynote helps you take control of many areas in your
life so that you can determine where you're going, how to get there,
when you'll get there, and what you want to do when you arrive.
- Leadership
Keynote Presentation: Cavalcade of Champions
Learn more about the winning ways of Stephen Covey (author of 7 Habits
of Highly Effective People), Sam Walton (founder of Wal-Mart), Oprah
Winfrey (television host, producer, actress), Herb Kellerher (CEO of
Southwest Airlines), Jack Welch (CEO of GE), Bill Gates (CEO of Microsoft),
Michael Eisner (CEO of Disney), and many others as this leadership keynote
examines those basic, but powerful, common characteristics that you,
too, can harness for greater productivity and personal satisfaction.
- Leadership
Keynote Presentation: Generational Gems for Future Leaders
This keynote presentation is both entertaining and educational for audiences
of all ages. Based on the popularity of our blog
feature of the same name, this commentary looks back over the decades
to many of the wonderful lessons, anecdotes, allegories, parables, and
narratives we've experienced on our career paths. Anyone in business
for any substantial length of time has had the benefit and privilege
to hear words of wisdom from some of the greatest leaders, writers,
consultants, speakers and authors in the world.
- Leadership
Keynote Presentation: Leaders are Readers
This leadership keynote provides shocking statistics on the current
state of adult reading habits in the U.S. today, in both students and
working adults, and how it's affecting our business environment. Learn
what you should be reading, shortcuts and methods of faster reading,
and what to do with what you learn.
- Leadership
Keynote Presentation: No Business Like Know Business
People have to increase their learning power to sustain their earning
power. Lifelong learning is the norm that is augmenting and in some
cases displacing school-age education. Half, yes 50%, of what students
learn in their first year of college is obsolete by the time they graduate!
For companies to remain competitive and workers to be employable, they
must continue to learn. This leadership keynote provides a strong foundation
on which to build your Learning Organization.
- Leadership/Change
Management Keynote Presentation: Productive Chaos - Riding the Wave
of Change
Are your organizational arrows aligned to prepare you for the
chaos awaiting you? Will you be a victim or a benefactor of this inevitable
trend? The choice is yours! This change management/leadership keynote
provides participants with specific hands-on techniques to break out
of old traditional thought patterns and develop new ways of thinking
and responding. It examines and integrates the very latest research,
development, and theories into a simple, easy-to-use formula for success
at a time when we're all being asked to accomplish much more with less.
- Leadership
Keynote Presentation: Re-frame for Success
This leadership keynote reveals a number of examples of very familiar
leading organizations in a number of fields, many of their actual reframes,
and the positive benefits resulting from their follow-up. Discover why
so many organizations and leaders continue to avoid duplicating these
obviously successful models of new era thinking.
- Leadership
Keynote Presentation: Round Up Your Sacred Cows
This leadership keynote shows you how to prepare your people for the
challenge of examining your well-worn beliefs, assumptions, and practices
and identifying those that have outlived their usefulness. It also provides
guidelines for creating an environment in which your people are more
open to new ideas, eager to recognize and overcome resistance to change,
and willing to take the action needed to thrive in a changing environment.
- Networking
Keynote Presentation: Networking for Personal Productivity
While networking has been utilized by successful people for years under
a variety of names, it is a relatively new and unfamiliar concept for
many others. However, in today's chaotic environment, networking is
an essential skill in navigating the many challenges we now face. This
keynote presentation offers a guide to successful networking as participants
examine the reasons for, key points, and payoffs of networking effectively.
Each participant will establish or enhance their network before the
conclusion of this program.
- Stress
Management Keynote Presentation: Stress: The Ultimate Paradox
Do you thrive on stress? Or does stress make you anxious? The critical
difference between positive and negative stress lies in the way we perceive
and deal with each potentially stressful situation. Stress management
is, simply, effective coping. This stress management keynote provides
a practical presentation of time-tested techniques to reduce both our
perception of stress and its harmful consequences.
- Team Building Keynote
Presentation: Developing Empowered Teams
This team building keynote provides participants with the skills, knowledge,
and guidelines to develop winning teams by improving each person's team
leadership and team membership skills.
- Time Management Keynote
Presentation: The "I Hate Time Management" Program
This time management keynote was not designed to sell a daily planner,
a diary or a new philosophy. It was, however, created to provide participants
with tips, guidelines, time-proven methods, systems, surveys, and analysis
to establish a plan for improved task and time management. This time
management keynote is essential for anyone who might benefit from better
task and time management.
Is your organization interested in any of our keynote presentations?
Then contact
us today!
Please call us within the U.S. at 800-886-2MAX or send us an e-mail at
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