Keynote Presentations
Tennis Shoes and Blue Jeans
Back-to-the-Basics Approach to Creativity and Innovation
Why do some organizations and individuals consistently appear to be so
much more creative and innovative than their competition? Why does it
seem to come so easily to some while others continue to struggle in their
attempts? Is it attitude, education, experience, culture, environment,
techniques, strategies, tools, or bench-marking? The obvious answer is
Keynote speaker Harry K. Jones sheds his traditional business attire
to grace your stage in "tennis shoes and blue jeans." There's
a method to his madness. His fundamental apparel is a visual footnote
to remind us that the latest creative trends in every field are grounded
in a back-to-the basics-elementary-this-is-not-rocket-science approach
to problem-solving, over-coming barriers, and dealing with the growing
challenges we face in today's competitive workplace.
Learn how industry leaders continue to evolve, grow, and prosper while
their competitors face an inevitable demise. This creativity keynote presentation
has evolved from Harry's unquenchable thirst for knowledge and research,
his knack for bench-marking, his passion to share and inspire his audiences,
and his rare ability to make you laugh and learn simultaneously.
Square Watermelon, Sandy Beach Billboards, Chat Rooms for your Pet, Cracker
Barrel profits, and Post-It Notes on Steroids are just a few of the many
examples you'll learn about in this intriguing, unconventional, creativity
session on crucial subject matter.
This creativity keynote presentation is updated weekly. Listen, learn,
laugh and leave this creativity keynote presentation inspired to make
a difference and eager to apply what you learn as you return to the workplace
with a Tennis Shoe & Blue Jean mind set.
Is your organization interested in our creativity keynote presentations?
Then contact
us today!
Please call us within the U.S. at 800-886-2MAX or send us an e-mail at
Why Choose an AchieveMax®
Creativity Speaker
When looking for a creativity keynote speaker, people are inundated with
options. What's the AchieveMax®
difference? We've created a page with testimonials and a partial
list of reasons why you should choose an AchieveMax®
keynote speaker for your next event. Please read our page on our
creativity speakers.
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