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Human Resources Management Training
Handling Diversity
Mutual Respect Equals Success
Our population has become increasingly diverse and so has our workplace.
To succeed in our multicultural society, organizations must value the
differences of our diverse population, respect employee and customers
individuality and maintain a climate whereby everyone is treated with
dignity. Employees need to understand how words and actions affect their
company's bottom line, and how they need to maintain a positive outlook
on diversity.
This diversity training heightens awareness to better understand other
cultures, age groups, genders, and lifestyle groups. Possible offenses
that can create misunderstandings, including racial, cultural, sexual,
physical, mental and verbal issues are discussed. The effects of perception,
cultural background, discrimination and prejudice are reviewed.
Diversity training will make you more aware of ways you may be offending
others without even knowing it. It will help you recognize your blind
spots, show you how to avoid verbal, social and written mistakes and give
you new ways to deal with and relate to people.
Some of What You'll Learn
in the Diversity Training
- Diversity Concepts
- Dimensions of Diversity
- Diversity Defined
- Benefits of a Diverse Workforce
- Our Challenge
- Culture Differences are Business Strengths
- A Changing Environment
- Turn Differences into Strengths
- Laws that Support Diversity
- Impact of ADA
- Workplace Comfort for Both Genders
- Overcoming Bias, Prejudice and Stereotyping
- Confronting Our Belief Systems
- Acknowledging Prejudice
- Sexual Harassment
- What is it?
- What are my responsibilities and rights?
- Company procedure for complaints
- Open Communication and Constructive Feedback
- Respectful Disagreement is Healthy
- Managing Diversity
- Inclusion + Participation = Contribution
- Current Appropriate Diversity Terms
The diversity training is provided by our strategic partner Shelley
Is your organization interested in the Handling Diversity training?
Then contact us today!
Please call us within the U.S. at 800-886-2MAX or send us an e-mail at
