Professional Development Training
PBS: Understanding Your Style
Utilizing the Personal Behavioral Style Survey
Everyone gets along well with some people and everyone has trouble with
some other types of people. To learn more about the different styles of
people, participants in this highly interactive behavioral styles training
will take the PBS: Personal Behavioral Style Survey and then discuss their
This behavioral styles training and instrument will identify your personal
behavioral style as well as your back-up style. There are some styles
we really like. And some styles we really dislike. While there are many
types of people, they can mainly be grouped into four categories.
The behavioral styles instrument will reveal four basic ways of relating
to other styles as well as those who share your own. It will identify
strengths of your particular style on which you should be building, as
well as weaknesses of your particular style which you should attempt to
strengthen. This behavioral styles training is as enjoyable as it is informative
... a MUST for those who are required to effectively interact with others.
Some of What You'll Learn
- The Four Personal Behavioral Styles
- What Your Personal Behavioral Style Is Under Normal Situations
- What Your Personal Behavioral Style Is Under Stress Situations
- The Typical Behaviors of Each Style
- The Characteristic Traits of Each Style
- Points to Remember in Dealing With Each Style
- The Optimal Environment for Each Style
- How to Talk to Each Style
Is your organization interested in our Personal Behavioral Styles Training?
Then contact us today!
Please call us within the U.S. at 800-886-2MAX or send us an e-mail at
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