Top 10 Seminars and Keynote Presentations
Developing Empowered Teams
People Power Promotes Productivity
Empowered teams in various forms are somewhere in virtually every major
corporation in North America today. A fundamental power shift is going
on in many organizations. The emergence of empowered teams isn't just
another management fad "here today and gone tomorrow." Empowerment
renders obsolete the traditional management methods used in organizations
for the last century. The workplaces that empower their employee teams
to assume many of the traditional management responsibilities are becoming
As the term "empowerment" implies, it is related to people's
perception of their power to act. It is concerned with the actual degree
and scope of that power, as well as with their confidence in using it.
Managers need to change from supervisors to coaches to make empowered
teams effective. Changing this management role isn't easy. Leadership
needs to provide decision-making to front-line staff. In addition, empowerment
is very much a two-way street with communication to and from leadership
and to and from front-line staff.
This team building seminar provides participants with the skills, knowledge,
and guidelines to develop winning teams by improving each person's team
leadership and team membership skills.
Some of What You'll Learn
- The Definitions of Empowerment and Empowered Teams
- How to Build an Empowered Team
- How to Assess the Three Spheres of Empowerment
- How to Enhance Empowerment in an Organization
- The Nine Keys of Empowerment
- How to Increase Two-Way Communication
- Understanding Unempowering Perspectives and Behavior
- Dealing With Problems on the Road to Empowerment
- How to Assess Empowerment and Teamwork
- How Empowerment Relates to Team Effectiveness
Is your organization interested in our team building seminar? Then
us today!
Please call us within the U.S. at 800-886-2MAX or send us an e-mail at
Why Choose an AchieveMax®
Team Building Speaker
When looking for a speaker for a seminar or event, people are inundated
with options. What's the AchieveMax®
difference? We've created a page with testimonials and a partial
list of reasons why you should choose an AchieveMax®
speaker for your next event. Please read our page on Team
Building Speakers and Team Building Training.
Additional Team Building Information

Teamwork Training and Keynote Presentation Information
Teamwork Articles and Book Reviews